Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Before the widespread use of the printing press in Ottoman society, the books were handwritten. This work was called as a resident, and those who did this work were called insensitive, calligrapher or clerk. The scribe essentially required to know some subtleties of words and writing other than the ability to write beautifully. Some poets and writers have criticized the fact that some of the deniers do this work without having sufficient knowledge and skill, and that they will degrade the quality of their work and the value of their poems. The poets 'satiries have led to some poetic poets' quick and sloppy writing of some of the works produced by the author with the concern of subsistence and making some parts of the work unreadable and incomprehensible. Among the reasons for criticism against the undersecretary or clerks are the concern that the poet's labor will be wasted, his search for an excuse to emphasize that his poetry is very valuable, the desire to show contemplation and the desire to search for a particular person or segment. Poems and criticisms related to the subject are found especially in the royalty or hatime sections of the mesnevi, the dibas of the divans and some satirical components. In this study, the findings obtained from the works written in different centuries after the screening of a large number of divans and mesnevi without being limited to a certain century were examined in the context of satirical and critical literature and poems were evaluated in terms of content.

secretary, calligrapher, manuscript, satire, criticism.

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