Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Coffeehouses take an important place in Turkish social life. Except for personal reasons such as spending time, chatting and relieving the stress of daily life, the people go to coffeehouses for social reasons such as following public opinion about current issues and creating public opinion. Tarık Buğra, one of the prominent figures of Turkish literature, seems to have been influenced by almost all these reasons. He always prefers social places in order to determine the main principles of his life and poetics. Istanbul’s coffeehouses and taverns take an important place in Buğra’s life, which established his principles simultaneously with a troubled lifestyle. Küllük is one of the first places to be analysed with importance. In Küllük, famous writers take the literary world’ pulse on the one hand while playing games. Poems are read, literary magazines are matured, ideas are exchanged, in short, there is a rich and lively literary setting is present in Küllük. Young literary people like Tarık Buğra try to get something from their teachers' wisdom and fed from the air they breathe with their role models. The beginning of Tarık Buğra's literary adventure reflected his novels and stories remarkably. Therefore, in this study, it will be analysed how and in which methods that Tarık Buğra tried to sustain and remind the Küllük coffeehouse.

coffeehouse, Küllük, Tarık Buğra, novel, story

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