Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The Kyrgyz Turks are one of the oldest tribes who struggled for years to gain their independence. Because of the lack of unity in the 19th and 20th century there had been significant changes in political and social life of the people living in the geography of Turkistan. In terms of literature, poets under the influence of oral tradition as a matter of course reflected the elements of their life in their works. Barpy Alykulov was one of the most important poets of Kyrgyzstan who lived during the Khokand Khanate and the USSR. Because of the lack of literacy he was one and the only representative of the oral tradition of Kyrgyzstan. He tried to reflect all the positive and negative moments he experienced in his life to his poems. His works had a didactic message that are intended to teach people a moral lesson. Barpy, in the poem “Bolboyt”, in order to lay stress on something and underline the context of the discourse used repetitions in an appealing way. This study consist of introduction, four main sections and conclusion. The information about the poet and the analyzed poem takes place in the first section of this study; the second section consists of sound devices used in the poem and the third section includes words used in the poem. In the fourth section the poem was analyzed semantically, particularly special attention was laid on the importance of the word “bolboyt”. In this section, the names related to human, animal and nature were analyzed as separate subsections as well. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how the use of repetition arises the aesthetic value of the poetry. In addition,it was aimed to make a deep and surface structure analysis of of the words used in the poem.

Barpy Alykulov,Kyrgyz Poetry, Repetitions, Frequancy, Deep Structure, Surface Structure.

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