Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Many changes has revealed itself in the Turkish culture and literature with the conversion to Islam. These changes has been put in place specifically by dervish/poets originating from lodges and cults. Dervish-poets have made efforts to share their religious knowledge and literary pieces that they have accumulated from their verbal and written environment to their lodges and cults. These literary pieces have been given names such as: ‘’Religious-sufism Turkish Literature’’, ‘’Religious-sufism Public Literature’’, ‘’Islamic Turkish Literature’’, ‘’Turkish Sufism Literature’’, ‘’Lodges-Sufism Literature’’. Bayram Durbilmez has named this non-regulated literary period as ‘’Dervish Style Turkish Literature’’. In this article, we will perceive the perspective of Durbilmez towards this period, his academic works, his evaluations of the meaning and the scope of the term ‘’Dervish Style Turkish Literature’’; we also will present our findings and evaluations on the literary piece ‘’Dervish Style Turkish Literature and Sıdkı Baba Divanı’.

Religion and Sufism, Lodges, Dervish Style Turkish Literature, Bayram Durbilmez, Sıdkı Baba.

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