Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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When we examine relationship between languages, We easilyrealize it in language history. Especially, Turkish was inspired to both Eastern languages and Western languages. Arabic is on of the important languages to interact Turkish. İn Karahanlı term, Turkish people accept İslam thanks to Satuk Bugra Khan. Because they give an İmportance the language of holy Quran, they interact Arabic language. After that become to Arabic alphabeth. İn addition, various boks on religious subjects were written in order to teach İslam. And also, in Khrarezm Turkish term, we see Arabic language’s effects on Turkish. As a piece, one of the good example is Kısasu’l-Enbiya whic is written by Rabguzi. This book coldn’t examine in all aspects because of its content Therefore, we study this book with the contex of Arabic religious concepts. We have two reasons to choos kısasu’l-Enbiya One is related to its content and the second is Arabic, which is holy Quran’s language. When we study Kısasu’l-Enbiya firstly, we do the classification on main religious concepts. Secondly, We compare Arabic and Turkish words’ language features. Religious terminology affects languages because of Arabic that is Quran’s language.

concepts, religious concepts, spelling, Arabic, Kısasu’l-Enbiya

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