Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Being the first masterpiece of Karahanid and İslamic Turkish Literature, Kutadgu Bilig with its style of discourse has the feature of being the first drama in Turkish Literature. As is known, it is inevitable to employ question and answer method for discourse /dual conversation/ dialogue style. The focus of the present article is the usage of “yanut” / “cevâb” words in Kutadgu Bilig. “Yanut” being a Turkish word was applied 171 times and “cevâb” being Arabic word 177 times. The poet included the Arabic word in the titles of the chapters 151 times, besides the rest 26 examples consists of nominative, agglutinated and auxiliary verb constructions such as “cevâb bir-”, “cevâb kıl-” with the denotation of the word. It should be taken into consideration as a possibility that usage of “cevâb” might have been coined by copyists, and these may not be part of the original work produced by Yusuf Has Hâcib. In the article, that Yusuf Has Hâcib preferred the Turkish word “yanut” to Arabic “cevâb” is unrolled on the basis of verses, with which words these two words formed clusters is analyzed and suggestions are provided on the usages of the main entries and subentries in the volume of KB III index-dictionary.

Kutadgu Bilig, Yanıt, Cevap, Discourse/ Dual Conversation / Dialog

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