Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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For centuries, mythology has been a belief system that people fall back upon it to make sense of the terms that cannot be understood, and in this belief system the elements of subterranean and evil are as many as incontrovertibly. One of the most important building blocks of a nation are the cultural elements of that nation. Of course, the most important of these cultural elements are belief and belief systems. In this context, mythology is an important issue that people believe before heavenly religions. The belief systems of communities living in very different geographies and having very different cultures are bears a striking resemblance to one another. Again in this context, it is a important subject to identify similar and contradictory situations in the subterranean realm of Turkish and Greek nations. In every mythological system, the underworld is a highly feared and respected world because people generally believed that evil elements such as illness and death were sent to the world by gods and evil spirits that dominated the underworld. Therefore, in order to avoid the rage of the gods of the underworld, they felt the need to present sacrifices to these gods in company with ceremonies. For this reason, the concept of subterranean is very important in mythology. In our literature research on the elements of the subterranean world in Turkish and Greek mythologies, we will examine issues that we consider as the leadingly focusing on subterranean terms by using dictionaries and individual works on mythology.

Mythology, Subterranean, Evil, Greek, Turkish, God, Goddess.

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