Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The art of opera has always been interpreted together with the concept of nationality in Turkish history and has always been a branch of the art of elite because of its appeal to a limited segment. Rıza Nur, one of the politicians of the Republican period; is a name that contributes to the art of opera through translation. One of the translations of Rıza Nur, who wants the formation of a Turkish opera, on the opera field; It was published in Sinop Printing House in 1921 with Samson and Dalila. The copyright foreword at the beginning increases the value of the work by providing a source for the terminology of performing arts. In the foreword, Rıza Nur has put together the opera terms he thinks are not yet available in Turkish with his explanations and explained them in comparison with their counterparts in Eastern and Western cultures. In order to determine the validity of the definitions in the preface of Samson and Dalila translations, evaluations were made by comparing them with the definitions in the Dictionary of Theater Terms prepared by Haldun Taner, Metin And and Özdemir Nutku, which are a valid source in the performing arts literature. Opera, which is a multi-layered art and practices, creates its own terminology by incorporating the terms of many scientific fields because it fuses many art disciplines under its own name. Samson and Dalila translation, considering the publication date of the work; should be added to the terminology of performing arts as one of the oldest sources of terminology.

Opera, Translation, Terminology, Rıza Nur, Samson and Dalila

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