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In this study, it is aimed to define how and where Taşlıcalı Yahya, who was an important figure of 16th century in Divan Literature, sees his poetry, what he feels and thinks about the poetry and what the perceptives of the poetry in this era are. He mentioned about his poetic thoughts in the fahriye parts of the odes, pseudonym parts of the gazelles and preamble parts of his work of art. He made some evalutions about the fundamental elements for poetry and the specialities which should be in a good poem. For instance, according to the poet, a poem should include aphorism phrases, give relief to a reader’s heart, be brief and to the point, reflect unthought ideas and unspoken dreams. It is stated by the poet that, poetry is a tool to reach the lover and it becomes valuable when it verbalizes the beauty of the lover and because of this, it should never be transported to the illitrate, ignorant and ill-intentioned people. This poetry evaluation, critism and explanation of Taşlıcalı Yahya who got the denotation of “sahib-i seyf ü kalem”, contribute the studies about defining Turkish poetry as a whole.

Taşlıcalı Yahya Bey, poetic, perceptive of poetry, poem, classical Turkish poetry

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