Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Firdevsî, who is accepted as the national poet of Iran, and Shahnamah is an example of a national epic that is recognized around the world and translated into many languages. It has greatly influenced not only the Iranians but also the cultures of other societies. Shahnamah has been translated into Turkish since the 15th century; with this, Shahnamah has become a source of inspiration for many poetry in Turkish literature in terms of features such as subject, venue and content. It is a work that has important effects in the formation of our historiography. In the sense of both literary and historiographical writers, Shahnamah has benefited much in the past. Making Turkish translations of Shahnamah in such a way that the public could understand contributed to the formation of Shahnamah narrators among the people, the emergence of shortshods and even the tradition of meddah. The purpose of our work is introduce certain translations of Shahnamah, to explain the uses that are different from the general features of the period, located in Topkapı Palace Museum Library registered at number Hazine 1116 after having referred to the effects of Firdevsî, Shahnamah and Shahnamah on Turkish culture.

Shahnamah, Firdevsî, Old Anatolian Turkish, Shahnamah’s translation, Turkish literature.

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