Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Verbal culture products and rituals have an important place on tradition to pass down. Wedding ceremonies being one of the transitional periods include both verbal culture products and rituals. Out of certain common implementation, wedding ceremonies occur with traditional and modern implementations that change from region to region. Some implementations in wedding ceremonies are forgotten, updated, or change depending innovations that have shown up newly and with yields of time. In this work, wiving which is one of the transitional periods, comprising one part of wedding ceremonies in Taskopru/Kastamonu, and “Hakçı folksong” that occured in this tradition in past times are mentioned. This tradition’s changing at the present, having a space apart on wedding ceremonies, comprising singing “Hakçı folksong” that are performed in the wedding and not being performed anymore nowadays had influence on wiving’s being mentioned separately in wedding ceremony. In the introduction of work, after giving a common information about research area and compilation, “Hakçı folksong” and wiving that are compiled are mentioned. After wiving tradition’s performing and place on wedding ceremonies were analyzed, information about current position at the present day was given with reference to datas from written sources that have been compiled at the research that is conducted at Taskopru/Kastamonu at different times between 2014-2019. Then, “Hakçı folksongs” that are performed in wiving tradition were analyzed under the title of “naming, creation, passing down, shape and construction, content and function.”

Kastamonu, Taskopru, Wiving Tradition, Wedding, Hakçı Folksong

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