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“Story-telling” is one of the most important things on the Foundation of Turkish Literature. Although, Modern Story-telling hadbeen started with The Tanzimat, Turkish Story- Telling hadbeen dated back to Oral Narrative Tratidition. Before The Tanzimat; Epopees, folk-tales and even masnavis had been responded to narration in Turkish Literature. With begining of The Tanzimat, Turkish Story had been gained a new perspective and many names have continued to write pieces in the form of short stories in early period of Turkish Republic. Mustafa Kutlu is one of the most important names of early period of Turkish Republic in Turkish Literature. Mustafa Kutlu had started writing with short stroies and then he had continued to write stories close to novelsthat can be described as novella and in his Fifty years of Writing, from his first story Ortadaki Adam (1970) to his last story Sevinci Bulmak (2018) his writing had evolved through to many different stages.And itcould be said that one of the most important facts of the writer’s journey from short story to novella is narrative techniques.Mustafa Kutlu had used narrative techniques masterly in his last story Sevinci Bulmak (2018). He also had used narrative techniques to reflect wisdom of the past and peresent in harmony while he had been doing a comparison of the past and present in Sevinci Bulmak (2018)The desired case in this study is that to explain narrative techniques which used in Sevinci Bulmak (2018) with examples.

Mustafa Kutlu, Sevincini Bulmak, Narrative Tecniques , Turkish story writing, Novella

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