Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Love is reason for the creation of humanity and love consist of real and figurative on Islamic mystical idea. In both cases – whether real or figurative- love is voluable for poetry. In this respect, love is one of the most important themes of the Dîvân poetry. In cases where it comes to love and beloved the poet appears to be lover type which one of the most prominent types of Dîvân poetry. In this study, we discussed similes and concepts on love and lover in Muhibbî’s Dîvân which one of the most comprehensive dîvâns of the classical Turkish literature. In this work, these similes and concepts that we think they have meaning of proximity to each other were analyzed by categorizing. As a result, it can be considered that despite being the great Sultan, Muhibbî expressed his feelings of despair towards the beloved and love with his cultural background knowledge of Dîvân poetry and within intense emotions.

Muhibbî, Magnificent Süleyman, Love, Lover, Dîvân Poetry

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