Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In this study, Behcet Necatigil’s Turkish was analyzed in the language of poetry within the framework of the original features it contains. Necatigil, with his verses, many of which are similar to scripted words, many of which are inverted structure, processed the ordinary circles, moods, and the neighborhood they live in with their own poetry language, again with their own sense of poetry. It reveals social realities by making the reader think about his poetry. He depicted the atmosphere of a neighborhood with the language of his poems, primarily with his houses, roads and streets, people at the threshold on the door, people from various grocery stores to markets in a city view. Behind the fine details it offers in this style is a strong observation force and a human-oriented style. In the study, the poetry language of Necatigil; The content is examined in terms of syntax and vocabulary features in the light of the general determinations. At this point, a short overview of the poet’s place in the history of Turkish language and literature was given and important issues were emphasized. As a result, Necatigil's unique language features, which he has shaped within the world of poetry, are exemplified by giving various pieces of poetry selected from his poetry books.

Behcet Necatigil, language, literature, poem, writing.

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