Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Interaction between languages is a phenomenon that can be easily observed when looking at the history of languages. When it comes to Turkish, it is usual to be influenced and influenced by both Eastern and Western languages. One of the most important languages that Turkish interacts with is Arabic. During the reign of Satuk Bugra Khan during the reign of Karahanli, the Turks accepted Islam in masses. For this reason, they wanted to learn the rules and orders of the new religion from their main sources and they paid great attention to Arabic. Therefore, the Arabic alphabet began to be used in that period. In addition, various works related to religious issues were written to explain the Islam to the Turks. The presence of Arabic elements is striking in the works written during the Harezm period. The best example of this is the Nehcü'l-Feradis and the Interline Kur’an Translation, setup written in the era of Harezm-Altınordu. The effects of Arabic can be clearly seen in these works. However, handling these works from all aspects seems inconvenient in terms of the volume of the study. In this framework, the works were subjected to an examination in the context of religious concepts of Arabic origin. In the study, firstly, basic religious concepts are determined and subjected to a classification. Concepts are listed according to this classification, and their meanings are explained by giving examples in the places they pass in the works.

Concept, Religious concepts, Nehcü'l-Feradis, Interline Kur'an Translation.

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