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The adjective verb suffixes, which are pronounced from other members of the filamentary category, or which are not pronounced and distinguished by the term qualifying an Ø phrase (noun), are frequently used suffixes. The fact that they provide a very rich content in terms of their sub-functions makes them useful in the syntax. Apart from the numbered study, adjective verb suffixes are generally classified according to time classes or by name of the morphems that perform tasks. However, it is obvious that both measures taken as basis in these general classification experiences are not very healthy. From this point of view, the main frame of the study is to explain a subclass of adjective verbs that are not mentioned before - habitude - and to introduce them with examples. In this context, first of all, the subject of habitude and it’s place in grammar will be brought to the agenda and then the formations in which the mentioned function is included will be presented.

function, suffix, habitude, adjective verb

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