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The subject of the article is the specified name completion that the authors agree at the common point about its existence. But first of all, it is necessary to emphasize Newton’s words “ Linguists differentiate themselves from school teachers who use grammar as nominative rather than descriptive. While linguists try to make a full definition of how language is actually used, teachers use definitions to put their definitions into students’ heads by emphasizing forms and punishing irregularities.” (from Newton :Erenoğlu 2006 : 114) There are the usual grammar rules of traditional linguistics and the grammar transmitted by linguists is one of these differences. Meaning is what a word action or concept is all about its purpose,significance or defination. It is also one of the indispensable purports required for communication. At this point, semantics comes into play. When you look at the purport of “meaning” actually you find “semantics”. Semantics has two ways of examination. These are : philosophical and scientific. Philosophically, the relationship between words shows up . That is , qualifications such as central meaning and side meaning of the word we hear frequently in Turkish subject incude the study group of this field.

Specified noun phrase, meaning, linguists, grammar, classification

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