Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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From past to present as a symbolizing factor for the often used numbers, different meanings are loaded in Turkish mythology, culture and narratives. This loading has been seen in several points from human interpreting the World to stating every kind of thought. Therefore, the numbers, the origin of which especially dates from mythological past, have indicated the hearing, thinking and perceiving of a nation against life. “Number symbolism” is quite prominent in Turkish culture. Hence, from past to present, people who believe that numbers have a great power have made use of this in various ways in their lives like asking souls for help, casting a spell, and praying. It can also be seen that this is an indispensable component of the language by carrying a variety of meanings in the narratives such as legends, epics and tales composed with the imagination of the society since the mythological times. “Symbolism of numbers” have also taken very important place in the folk culture of Kazan Tatars. The numbers symbolizing and modifiering of properties, objects and actions have had several different meanings in beliefs and narratives. In this way, the numbers have had an important function in terms of representing cultural identity of Kazan Tatars. In this study, the numbers of 3, 4, 7, 9 and 40, which are frequently seen in the folk culture of Kazan Tatars, will be emphasized. In addition, the origins of Turks’ cultural identitiy will be revealed that they go back to mythological ages / eras.

Kazan Tatars, Symbolism of Numbers, Mythology, Folk Culture, Cultural Identity.

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