Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Following the death of Emir Timur, no political unity was established among the Turkistan Turks. To this end, the Baburs and Uzbek Sibanis struggledfor power. However, the struggles for this cause also remained inconclusive, leading to the establishment of theKhanate of Bukhara (1599-1685), Khanate of Khiva (1704-1920) and Khanate of Kohand (1710-1876), which were called as the Turkistan khanates. Many institutes in these khanateswere inherited to them from the Turkish states that had been established in the region long before their time. One of the institutes they inherited from the Salafi Turkish states was the financial organization. It is seen that the essence of the financial organization of the Turkistan khanates was taxes. Accordingly,they collected various taxes from agricultural products of farmers, herd owners, merchants and traders taking long journeys, people selling and buying in market places, all kinds of goods entering or transiting through territoriesunder the administration of khanates and from people in case of emergency. In this study, it was aimed to examine the tax terminology such as algat, algut, alu birü, atlanu, algat, algut, alu birü, atlanu, bac, barsban sıyı, baş-pulı, bigar, cerib, ceribane, çemen, çerü, çihilyek, dud u revanat, haraç, harc, haşar, hazinaçilık, kaçu, kazan harcı, kazan pulı, kazukazu, konalga, kömek pulı, kütvel alımı, mal, mal u cihat, mirab alımı, ma?unat-ı sultani, ?öşr, pilecat, rahdarlık, salgut, ser-merd, süysün, tamga, tamga ücresi, tanabana, tekalif-i divani, tüşü, ulagthatwere involved in the financial structure of the Turkistan khanates based on documents concerning the Turkistan khanateswhich were published by W. Wood, Yuri Bregel and Jannatkhon Asqarova, in terms of philology in a historically comparative way. The codes-Hin-T=Hive ‘İnâyet-nâme-i ‘âlî-Turkish, Hive Decree Turkish-Turkish- which were chronologically ordered and given according to their field and correspondence type by the afore-mentioned Turcologists, were adhered.

Turkistan khanates, salgut (proxy), tekalif (taxes), tax, decree, tax payers, exempt and apodictic,

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