Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The Turkish intellectual, whose face turned west with Tanzimat, created a ground for the introduction of new literary genres into Turkish literature, especially under the influence of French literature. Namık Kemal, one of the most important intellectuals of Tanzimat literature, is an artist who has produced works of various genres. He became a pioneer in Turkish literature, especially with his translations and theater works in the settlement of the theater genre. As a matter of fact, it is possible to see the effects of the "Hernani" play written by French writer Victor Hugo in 1830, in the "Poor Child " play, which he wrote in 1873, one of his most dramatic theater works. Although influenced by French literature, Namık Kemal has a wide range of influence in the Anatolian area and in the Turkish world. Abdülhak Hâmid Tarhan writes his work titled “Sad Girl” and Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem also writes his work “Vuslat” by Namık Kemal's “Poor Child” play. especially the many works of the Turkish world "Homeland or Silistra" and translated in several countries with poor children specimens staged Namik Kemal Turkey has established a cultural bridge between the Turkish world. In this study, different theater works from different geographies of the Turkish world, which are thought to be influenced by "Poor Child", will be compared in terms of their plots, subjects and contents. The works to be examined are “Bacterless Jamal” written by Kazakh writer Mircakıp Duvalutulu in 1910, “Behitsiz Yigit” written by Tatar writer Ali Askar Kemal in 1898, “Musibet-i Fehreddin” written by Azerbaijani writers Necep Bey Vezirov in 1896, and Abdurrahim Bey Hakverdiyev's “Bahtsız Cavan” written in 1900.

"Namık Kemal", "Theater", "Poor Child", "Turkish World", "Tragedy"

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