Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The Değirmen, which was published between October 1942 and April 1944 as twelve issues, is published by Cavit Orhan Öz, Halit Tanyeli and M. Naci Baysal with the subtitle of “Monthly Idea, Art and Moral Magazine”. Although mostly opinion articles are dominant in the magazine, the contributions of the names such as Behçet Necatigil, Sabahattin Kudret Aksal, Nahit Ulvi Akgün, Salah Birsel, Kaya Bilgegil, Tahir Alangu and Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı have made the Değirmen literally a remarkable position in our magazine history. In the same years, we also see the names of magazines such as Millet, Yeni Adam, Çınaraltı, Ülkü, İnsan, Yücel, Türk Amacı, Gökbörü. Although its line in the forties was Turkist-Anatolian, it is seen that the Değirmen entered the nationalism race with other magazines. In this study, firstly, the layout features of the Değirmen are mentioned, then the purpose of the magazine and its writers are mentioned. The content of the journal is discussed in detail under the subtitles of “Story and Poetry”, “On Literature”, “Philosophy, History and Intellectual Writings”, “Fine Arts and Other Articles and “Polemics”. The article aims to determine the place of the journal in its period and its relationship with other journals.

Değirmen, Periodicals, Republican Period, Art Magazines.

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