Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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External Assessment

  • Firstly, the editor and the editorial board examine the article, which reaches the journal.
  • It is examined that whether  the article meets the publication conditions or not.
  • The articles that do not meet the publication rules and conditions of the journal, certainly will not  be involved in  the publishing process.
  • The articles that are returned by the reviewers will be decided  whether to be  published as it is sent   or after having been corrected,  in accordance with their assessment  reports.

Internal Assessment

  • A blind referee process is used in the journal. Article is sent to two experts in the field. (It is expected that the reviewers to complete their assessment  in one month. But in some cases, the assessment  process may extend to 3 months’ time. The articles on which are  not drawn a conclusion,   are  sent to “another reviewer”. But this time, the assessment  period is limited to 15 days.
  • The article is  published in case it gets the “Approval Report” from two reviewers.
  • The article will never be published in case it gets the “Refusal Report” from two reviewers and the writer/writers  of the article are informed.
  • In case of the “Correction Report”  is received by the reviewers, the demanded corrections are reported to the writer. It is asked for the writer to complete the corrections that are demanded and  then send the article back.  The “Corrected State”  of the article should be resent to the reviewers in 20 days. In case in gets the “Approval Report” it gets published. If it is detected that the demanded corrections have not been made, the article gets the  “Refusal". 
  • During the article acceptance process, if the opinions of two referees differ, the opinion of the editor or a third referee is taken into consideration.

Fee Policy

Türük Journal, which has been published since 2012, requests a 500 TL article submission fee for expenses such as Server, DOI membership renewal, DOI purchase, Netgsm service and technical support services in order to carry out its academic service in a healthier way. After the editorial review, if the article has been prepared in accordance with the journal conditions, an informative e-mail regarding the fee will be sent to the author. After payment is made, the referee process of the article will be started. If the article is rejected at the end of the referee process, the editorship will decide on a refund.

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Email : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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