Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Ethical Principles and Publication Policy



The publishing language of the journal is Turkish but  the articles, which are written in the  other languages, will be published with the decision of the editorial board.

The articles that are sent to the journal have to be unpublished or not having  been  sent  or accepted to be published,  by any other journals.

The studies that are presented at scientific meetings,   included  in  or not included in(as updated) the proceedings book,  will be assessed on condition that the  situation’s being  stated  with a footnote.

The articles that are produced  from  a doctorate or a  postgraduate thesis,  will be assessed  on  condition that the situation will be stated with a footnote.

Articles to be sent to the journal must be written with the Microsoft Word word processing program.

When writing the manuscripts, the TDK’s spelling dictionary should be based on.

Sending of the article to the journal;  is accepted as an application for its  publishing. No royalty  is  paid for the articles.

Authors do not transfer the copyrights of the articles to the journal.

All the legal responsibility about the index of the articles that are published in the journal,  belongs to the writer.

Türük Journal has the right to publish or not publish the submitted articles, even if they pass the referee process positively.  

Writer cannot apply to propose to withdraw his/her  application  in any stage  of the assessment process.

Writer is deemed that he/she  accepts  all the stages of the assessment  process after sending his/her article.

Information like the name, the title, the institution or the e-mail address of the writer should not be given under the title or anywhere else. In the journal system, the confidentiality of referees and authors is essential throughout the process.The editor will add this information, which is entered to the system by the writer, to the article after the article passes the reviewing period.  

The article should be sent via the Article Tracking System at www.turukdergisi.com in the page where  the e-mail address and  the password is entered. The writer should be tracking the reviewing period and should make the necessary corrections as well as  the arrangements, in accordance with the   the reports that will be received from  the reviewers.

Writers who send articles to the  Journal of Türük,  are deemed that  that they   have accepted these conditions.


                                                                    ARTICLE WRITING STANDARDS

The MLA system has been adopted for citing references in articles to be sent to our journal. Quotation and Citation (Rules and Examples)

In the articles that are sent to our journal, there must  be a ¨title¨, a ¨summary¨ that is prepared   to explain the  whole article and  a  ¨keywords¨ section just  right under it. Under this section, the   English version should be included in the same order.

In the articles that are written in Turkish, the summary should be limited to 150- 200 words  and  in the articles that are written in English, it should be limited to 400- 500 words; and under the summary,  there should be found at least 5 keywords.

The summary section of the article should be without indents, in  the “Microsoft Word” (.doc) format, in Times New Roman font style,  size 11 and 1 cm inside the borders and with one line spacing. If special fonts are used in the writing phase, those fonts should be sent with the article, as well.  

The main text of the article (without tables, images, schemes etc.) should be prepared in Microsoft Word (.doc) format, in Times New Roman font, 2cm inside the borders, in size 12, in one line spacing and with a 1 cm of paragraph spacing from the left.

The Article (including the summaries, tables, work cited etc.) should not exceed 40 pages.

If any abbreviations are used in the article, these should be given under the ABBREVIATIONS title before the bibliography.

Sources that are used as citations in the article should be given under the title of BIBLIOGRAPHY at the end of the article with their copyright pages.

Elements like images, tables, schemes etc. can be included  in the inside or at the end of the text.

The sequence numbers should be given to the  images, tables and schemes in the article should be given (like Figure 1, Figure 2); and the descriptions about them should be written right under the scheme with text size 9.

The main titles in the article should be written in capital, size 12 and bold. Whereas subheadings should be in size 12, bold and capital letters in every first letter of the words.

Text  Size



Size of the Summary 



Paragraph Spacing

Paragraph Indent 

Top Margin 

Bottom Margin 

Right Margin 

Left Margin 

Line Spacing 

12 text font size

9 text font size

11 text font size

3 cm

6 points

Summary:0 Text: 1cm

2 cm

2 cm

2 cm

2 cm


Details like page number, header and footer should not be given in the article.

One of two options that are stated below should be preferred for the inside text citation, footnote and work cited sections. The rudiments  concerning  the implementation  of these two methods are given in detail with  the examples in the file below:

File: Quotation and Citation (Rules and Examples)

ULAKBIM Journal Evaluation Criteria is taken as  a  basis for  the publishing policies.  

Only the  italics font style should be used to state  the emphasis in the text. Besides, this usage  should only be applied only on words or the group of words,  emphases that are spread in  the whole  sentence  or the paragraph,  should not be used.

Parenthesis method may  be used with the aim of giving an  extra information or making an explanation in the text.  

In case of a shortcoming or an error  in these   conditions, the applications will not be assessed.  


Video recordings, voice recordings and photographs together with the article,  can be uploaded from  the second page that comes after the text is uploaded to the system. The video and voice recordings that exceed 50 minutes, will not be accepted to the system.

Video and voice recordings will not directly be included  in the article. Writers should convert the words from the article into dark colors and number those words (dark color1) with the superscript (X2) in the Word file and arrange those numbers in the Video, Voice and Photographs Cited section when they feel the necessity to support their articles with video and voice recordings.

The video, voice or photograph recordings will be written to the work cited section by their writers just as how the textual citations are done. The digital recordings cited section should be prepared by giving the information of where, when, why and by whom the recordings are formed. If the writers have benefited from their own or other people’s digital archives, that kind of bibliography should be formed:

               Video, Voice and Photograph Bibliography (EXAMPLE)

1(Personal Archive), the City of Bolu, the District of  Mudurnu, the Village of Dedeler , “Mani Singing  Tradition (A Turkish Folk Poem) in Village Wedding” 2003

2(From the Archive of Ismail Duman), the City of Sakarya, Ferizli District, A Treatment Method in Sinanoglu Town¨ 1999

Writers should not include videos, voices and photography recordings from video sharing sites unless they have to. If the video or the voice recordings is from the video sharing sites:

3(Personal Archive- From the Web) An Example Of A Night Of Union in Galata Tavern¨ <http://www. youtube.com/watchv=uWL54N6di0> Date Accessed: 14.10.2012 

            It will be cited as such. In this section and in the other parts of the article, the writer will not write his/her own name; instead, it will be stated as ¨personal archive¨.

Editors have the rights to not to use the video or voice recordings in the article when they see necessary (the video’s  being too long,  the voice quality’s  being too low or the video’s  being irrelevant from the subject).

If the video or the voice recordings belong to a company or an institution, the owner institution or the person should be certainly stated  for  to avoid any copyright infringements.

In the contents of the video and voice recordings,  the illegal materials cannot be allowed.  Otherwise,  the journal shall  not  be responsible from these recordings. Writer is   directly responsible in all the recordings, as he/she is responsible of everything in the article.

No royalty  is paid for the video and voice recordings to the writer.

Open Accsess System

Türük Journal is an open-access journal where users can use it for free. Users do not need to obtain prior permission from the publisher or author when reading, uploading, copying, searching and linking the contents of full texts. Open access meets the BOAI definition.

The articles coming to our journal are controlled by "Ithendicate" program. In case of plagiarism, the articles are rejected.

           Article Publishing Fee

Articles submitted to the Türük Journal are published in the first issue for a fee of 500 Turkish Lira (About 20 American Dollars) after completing the arbitration process.





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Adress :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Phone : 03662801947 Fax : -
Email : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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