Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Proverbs; It is one of the main building blocks of Islamic literature which is composed of Arabic, Persian and Turkish literature and they are a valuable treasure trove for reflecting the collective culture of people. The sources emphasize that proverbs are used to strengthen meaning and to express thought in a short way. The deep structure, meaning, and story behind every proverb are very important in the context of the word. Turkish writers have translated the Arabic and Persian proverbs in the same culture pot, because they care about proverbs. One of these writers is Asimzade Hamid. In this study, it is given information about Asimzade Hamid and his work Terceme-i Mezaminu'l-Emsal, one of the last writers of Turkish literature. Firstly, the concept of proverb has been emphasized and the opinions of some scholars about the concept have been explained. The proverb in Turkish is mentioned and its historical adventure in Turkish literature is mentioned briefly. In this study, the importance of proverb and proverb are also discussed. In addition, the books translated from Arabic and Persian into Turkish have been illuminated. The author's life and his work have been provided with satisfactory information by applying to different sources. In this context, the time and the origin of the proverbs and the writting method of the work were examined.

Arabic Literature, Turkish Literature, Proverb, Asimzade Hamid, Terceme-i Mezaminu'l-Emsal.

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