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Compilation is a word corresponding to “collecting, providing” in everyday life. It is accepted and expressed in the aforementioned sense [providing, collecting traditional raw information etc.] in folklore compilation methodology as well. In general, field research is a chain activity, which takes place in three stages: planning, compilation and analyzing. Compilation is known to be carried out in the form of collecting, recording and archiving raw information using field observation or interview methods, and the consecutive recorded raw traditional knowledge is evaluated on the basis of theories and concepts. In practice, the possible environment in which any folklore product can be obtained is determined. Then, preparation / planning is made for obtaining the information in question and the environment is visited. Subsequently, the raw information in question is obtained through various compilation methods such as interview, observation, and survey and recorded in written, audio and / or video form. In the last stage, new knowledge is produced by analyzing the raw information obtained with scientific theories and concepts. So far, in relevance to compilation methods, a lot of studies deployed, models were created, and proposals have been put forward in Turkey and in the West. Nevertheless, compared to the studies on folklore collection methods in the West and Turkey, the West compilation concepts and methods have been observed to have developed and applied in the field, while in Turkey translated concepts and methods of the west are possibly being implemented and published in the field as identical or modified. All in all, the folklore compilation concepts and methods, thus, are understood to be as translations to have obtained from west and deployed in Turkey with the approach of western researchers in a general description. The preliminary preparation and planning phase that should be done before the field research (compilation) was mentioned directly or indirectly in the publications of researchers and some organizations working on compilation. In our country, where a wide range of folklore sharing occurs in a short-time socialization environments as in the bus, market, and hospital, the folklorist should see it as a responsibility to make use of every opportunity and record the raw folklore. The focus of this work is based on the sequencing questions: “Does the process mentioned in the folklore compilation methodology always work like this or should it be?” and also “Can a compilation work be done in sudden developing or coincidental performance environments, and if this is possible, how is the compilation process done?” In the study, the literature was reviewed to find answers to aforementioned questions, and based on “memories”, although it is in practice, a new compilation method is proposed, which is not mentioned, to the folklore compilation methodology, and there is an attempt to determine if the proposed method would be valid in literature. Thus, on the one hand, by providing the actual situation to the literature, the procedural-essential confusion will be avoided, on the other hand, the naming of the unprepared / unplanned compilation that can be made when the conditions occur, and the place of this naming in the classification will be determined and confirmed.

Folklore, compilation, methodology, concept, sudden / coincidental performance environment

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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