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Over 40 days; It is the ceremony washing of the baby and the mother after birth, accompanied by some symbolic objects, words of prayer, and some type of behavior. This traditional implementation, which has been carried out in Turkish folk culture from the past to the present, can be seen in the digital environment with the development of intercommunication technologies. In this research, the transformation story of the “forty making” ceremony, which is performed as one of the post-natal traditions in Turkish folk culture, was viewed in the digital environment. In this case, the substances of the clipping videos on the Youtube channel, one of the social media applications, were analyzed. It has been identified that elements such as gold, money, salt, sugar, rice, flour, milk, rope, shoes, pen, scissors, wedding ring, The Holly Quran, rosary, cotton, keys and soap are included in the related content in the videos. Besides to the elements in the social memory, the contents of digital clipping also included objects showing individual desires. Moving texts, many of which were usually arranged by young mothers, were presented to the digital audience. In this study, it was accomplished that over 40 days ceremony, which is considered as a kind of purification, which is considered as a sign that the baby has fulfilled the forty-day period in traditional culture, has become an instrument that individuals mostly constitute in the digital environment with the hope of having fun, being liked and taking on comments. It has been determined that the effect of the image of the "old woman" who is the performer of the traditional shearing diminished in imaginary environment shearing, and it was generally replaced by young and well-groomed mothers. Moreover, with the contents prepared with diverse requests and expectations - although it is not the main intent - a tradition dating back centuries ago has been relatively moved to the future and handed on to new generations.

Social media, digitalization, Youtube, Youtube content producer, Over 40 days ritual

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
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Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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