Basic words have an important place in the vocabulary of languages. Basic words and therefore organ names are among the frequently used word categories in the Turkish word formation system. Studies on organ names constitute an important material about the language studied.
In this study, the definition of organ names has been made by emphasizing the importance of basic words in the mother tongue, and the studies on these names in Turkey Turkish have been examined. Theses, articles, books, book chapters, and articles and papers are listed. In the conclusion part, a brief evaluation of the studies is given and it is aimed that the bibliography will be a source for those who work on organ names and those who will do it.
In the study, it was seen that organ names were included in separate sections in vocabulary studies, especially in studies on medical terms. While scanning, organ names studies, which constitute an important data for medical science and other sciences as well as Turcology, were limited to the field of social sciences. Explanations were made about master's and doctoral theses, books and book chapters, articles and papers were listed alphabetically according to the names of the authors. The abundance of articles and theses on the subject draws attention.
Organ names, names related to the human body, medical terms, basic words, vocabulary.