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    Türük Dergisi, 2018 Haziran ayından itibaren senede 4 sayı olarak çıkacaktır. Sayılarımız bundan sonra MART, HAZİRAN, EYLÜL ve ARALIK şeklinde olacaktır. Önümüzdeki ilk sayımız bu doğrultuda Haziran 2018 sayısı olarak çıkacaktır. Değerli çalışmalarınızı dergimize bekler iyi çalışmalar dileriz.


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    Makale gönderme ve kabul işlemleri artık sitemizdeki menüden ulaşılabilen Makale Takip Sistemi vasıtasıyla online olarak gerçekleştirilmektedir. Yazarlarımız Makale Takip Sistemi'ne üye olup üyelik onay işleminden sonra yazılarını Sistem üzerinden gönderebilmektedirler.

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Human and human-related appearances are very much included in classical Turkish poetry. These appearances have shown their presence as types and personalities in the poems. Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha, a member of the decency council, is also one of the historical personalities. The Divan poet often included members of the divanihumayun in his qasida, ghazals, and historical poems that he wrote. The main feature that distinguishes Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha from other members of the court that has been studied is that he holds the position of grand vizier, the highest order of the state that comes after the sultan, and is a statesman who has successfully held his position for 15 years without ever being dismissed from his post. The main reason why Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha was included in the review is his successful career in office, which distinguishes him from other statesmen. In this study, it is examined how the qualities of statesmanship in classical Turkish poetry are used in poems for Köprülüzade Ahmed Pasha. At the beginning of the study, it was revealed whether the characteristics of Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha, whose biography was mentioned at the beginning of the study, coincide with his biography. In this study, the qualities of statesmanship in classical Turkish poetry are examined by dividing them into two groups in the form of personal characteristics and values of the state and society. The divans in which the most and the most diverse features of Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha are located have been identified. After a brief explanation for each feature, elements such as words, phrases, verses reflecting the features are shown along with their meanings in sample couplets and couplets.

Classical Turkish poetry, Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha, divanıhümayun, grand vizier, types and pers

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
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Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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