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The most popular and narrated texts in Turkish folk narratives are fairy tale texts. Although the fairy tale is called an imagination, those who listen to the tale will surely find something of their own. "Heroes ones presence of some animals and supernatural events tale territory that occurs, an oral expression can be convinced listeners in case it is imaginary." In on the tales described as Turkey have been many studies to date. These studies are very important for our fairy tale history. Tales are people’s cultural accumulation and carry on their existences by transferring from generation to generation. Tales generally deliver to listener the regulation of people’s cultural and moral with fanciful motifs and surreal heroes. For this reason, tales educational function is given importance. Especially, the benefits of feeding of children with tales in terms of their growth are frequently emphasized. Tale is a literary genre that broadens one’s horizon and enriches their imaginary world, that helps become creative individuals. It also is a genre that children make acquaintance the day they are born. Individuals crack a door open to new worlds and start leraning and discovering new things through tales. The doors of tales which are opened slightly with the phrase Once upon a time is quite important in order to bring people certain fundamental values. Tales which children love and evoke a sense curiosity and discovery in their world are a significant means in order to get them to attain the feeling of empathy and fundamental values and to know the world around them. Considering that children's favorite genres are animal tales in the fairy tale texts, it will be better understood how important these tales are in terms of education. In this paper, examples of how animal tales that children fondly listen or read have a function in children's education will be evaluated.

Fairy tale, animal tales, values, function, education

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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