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Being an agricultural society Turkey Turkish dialect speakers have the concept of “soil” at the core of their lives both spiritually and materially. People of this society who work on soil in their daily lives and live intertwined with the soil have connected the creation, death, and earning of their "livelihood" to God through the soil due to their religious beliefs. Therefore, they expect it to come through the soil while praying, making good wishes, asking for divine grace for themselves or others. In this study, which made to understand how the relationship between Turkey Turkish dialect speakers and soil is expressed through words of prayer, prayer words about soil which were compiled from the transcribed dialect texts found in the works of dialect researchers were analysed through Thematic Content Analysis method by taking their contexts into consideration. First of all prayer words containing soil phrases were tagged and collected with their contexts by scanning transcribed dialect texts line by line. Afterwards eight common themes have detected by coding the data in the prayings in accordance with three identified research questions. The determined themes reveal in which situations, for whom and for what intentions prayers were said. Thematically categorized prayers have analyzed semantically and meanings and functions of soil phrases which are the focal point of the research are tried to be explained under relevant headings. It was evaluated within which themes the soil was mentioned in prayers, in which contexts which words were chosen when mentioning the soil, and which concepts were meant by these soil phrases. Thus, soil concept in the perception of the Turkey Turkish dialect speakers is tried to be enlightened over their soil related prayers.

Turkey Turkish Dialects, Soil, Prayer, Prayer Words, Prayers, Blessing, Blessing Words, Blessings

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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