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The traditions that are formed/invented to meet the needs of the groups continue their existence with the voluntary participation of the group members. Each occupational group has its own traditions, practices and practices. Some of these practices may turn into rituals over time. These practices, which are practiced and traditionalized within the group formed by the profession experts, continue by being passed down through the transfer of culture between generations. It has been examined one of the practices that is applied in the Turkish Navy (Turkish Naval Forces) in this study. There are original practices in the Navy ([Turkish] Naval Forces Command "Dz.K.K"), and some of them have turned into rituals. Today, some faith-based customs continue on Turkish war and merchant ships. The Lamb Day one of these practices in the Navy is a picnic practice per-formed in the navy troops and garrisons during the Hıdrellez period and at-tended by the navy's families as well. The day in question is known as the "lamb day", as it is eaten by "spit roasted lamb" at the picnic held on the day of the summer welcome and various competitions. In this study, the historical process of the "lamb's day" practice, its application forms and its reflections on today have been determined; group folklore, tradition and the invention of tradition, food culture, Hıdrellez, festival, cultural memory, functionality are examined with an eclectic method on the basis of ap-proaches. In this study, it has been tried to determine the reasons and re-sults of the "lamb's day" practice, the position and quality of the members of the navy, in general, and the Turkish navy. As a conclusion, the practice of lamb day sustained in the Turkish Navy, which is a traditional and ritu-al institution, is a tradition that the administration put into effect and probably invented and named by the administration, and it is understood that it is an element of identity and belonging through association with the same naming and cultural code, by the other members of the group.

Tradiditon, the Hıdrellez, picnic, the day of lamb

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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