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Our works is based on study of loanwords and words with Turkic origin in speech of Kryashen – Christian Tatar, who is relate to Volga and Ural ethnic-denominational group of Tatars. Most of Christian Tatar live in republic of Tatarstan as well as some of them settle down in neighboring republics of Bashkortostan, Udmurtia; Chelyabinsk, Kirov and Samara regions. Being scattered in different areas, Kryashens have significant disparities both in the language features and in the customs and traditions. The main group of Christian Tatars are ones who has changed Islam to Christianity. The others are descendants of an impact by Tatar Finno-Ugric folk or have an origin from Chuvash people who are also the part of Turkic nation or influenced by them. This opinion is proved via a linguistic feature of Christian Tatar dialects. In each dialect of Christian Tatars loanwords related to Turkic origin are in the main position. It is important to mention: living aside of Muslim Tatars, besides Christian Tatars dialects, their own literary language, there are some words, which are kept in written manuscripts and still used in a spoken language. In our study we analyze these words. Among borrowings, Persian, Arabic and Russian loanwords take a majority in the speech of Christian Tatars. In our study we examine these loanwords in the background of the sound changing and trace the peculiarities of the Christian Tatars language in comparison with other speech of the Tatar language. According to habitation, some groups of Christian Tatars accepted loanwords of the Chuvash and Udmurt languages. They have been mentioned in our work. Due to the study Turkish words make the basis of speech of Christian Tatars, who are considered as unique group of Tatar nation. Russian, Arabian and Persian loanwords, phoning to sound changes, are used in all languages, but in individual parochialism. Having connection and communicated with the neighbor nations, some Chuvash and Udmurt words were borrowed.

Kryashen (Christian) Tatars, speech, words with Turkic origin, loanwords.

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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