As soon as, Turks were embraced Islam, many religious and didactic literary works had been published. Masnawı were adequated needs of public in respect to their compositions, in that either literary or esthetic. Fazîlet-nâme is a subtype tradition of masnawı tradition which is one of the writen works among Anatolian area. Fazîlet-nâme is the common name of places, times, practices and nations which defines holiness of these notions. Feza'il-i Şam-ı Şerîf is a masnawı which is writen in 17th century by Halil Pasha who was a grand vizier of Ottoman Empire in order to show supremacy of Damascus County when matching with other counties. As a codex, it is composed of vowel point and 28 pieces leaves.
Damascus region is one of the most important county in the sense of Islam and Ottoman histories. Damascus was not only name of a city, it was also name of a region which includes many cities. In this work, importance of Damascus region is layed emphasises on approaching many hadiths, interpretations and annals which makes valuable to this region.
This work is formed of two chapter. In the first chapter, introduction, is apprized about Fazîlet-nâme, author, issues and Feza'il-i Şam-ı Şerîf. In the second chapter, is adduced of the translated text. With this way, tried to understand entire of this work.
Fazîlet-nâme, Damascus, Dımışk, Halil Pasha, Sacred Spaces