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Awareness in the mythologies of societies is important in the context of idendity consciousness and culturel diversity. Mythological knowledge usually has transferred to the new generation through oral narratives and social practices. With the worlds changing structure, dissepereancing of performance contexts of narratives and practices has negatice impact on the transfer of mythological knowledge to the next generation in many society. The work of writing folk ballads, done by Homeros and Firdevsi in the archaic era; by Macpherson and Lönnrot in Europe in the 18th and 19th century, has atributed to relevent societys mythologies to exist and to be resource for contemporary art. Especially in the last two of these examples have been dealed by applied folklore debates which has arrised in the 20th century, it has been said that theese were exemples of application. It seems that the mythological perception in many branches of Turkish arts is shaped Persian-oriented in the middle period and Greek-oriented in the recent era. One reason of this situation is that insufficient knowledge of Turkish mythology. Not to have a script with integrity feature as Odysseia or Works and Days from archaic period or as Shahname from middle era or Kalavela from recent era, or not to perform adequatelly the works which are owned as Dede Korkut and Epic of Oğuz Kağan are the other reasons of this situation. İn this article, in the context of being valued Turkish mythology, Nihal Atsız’s novels will deal in points of function, structure and content, it will be argued whether theese are exemples of application or not.

Applied folklore, Atsız, Turkish mythology, epic, novel.

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