Syntactic studies of Modern Turkish put special emphasis on the explanation of phrases. Phrase is denominated as word group or determinative group in many syntactic sources. Scholars of Turkish syntax have studied the formation, denotation and classification of phrases for decades. As a result, they have put forth a comprehensive knowledge about phrases. Those sources attribute their explanations about phrases to meaning, form and syntagm. Many books and articles of Turkish syntax express that phrases are syntagms having integrity with their structure and meaning. However it becomes clear that syntactic sources generally explain phrases based on their structural features and do not take into consideration their semantic characteristics. This paper will try to discuss and describe semantic relations between words forming a phrase in detail to make explicit semantic features of phrases. For this purpose, the paper will first explain the conceptual framework, then examine data about phrases compiled from Turkish sytactic sources, and lastly will explain semantic relations that have a part in forming phrases.
Turkish, Grammar, Syntax, Phrase, Meaning