THE ROLE OF SUFFIX IN DETERMINING THE CONTEXT SAMPLE OF “Tizligig sökürmiş başlıgıg yüküntürmiş”
This article is about to re-question the expression which is generally accepted “Made the ones who have knees to have been kneeled down, made the ones who have head to have been bowed” meaning that have been read Tizligig sökürmiş başlıgıg yüküntürmiş until today and that take place in Köl Tegin and Bilge Qaghan inscriptions with it’s repetetions. This word set symbolize transition from rebellion and resistance to obedience; also in connection with, victory for one of the sides and defeat for the other. Two actions take a role in the aforementioned symbol and both of which are managed by the body. In this respect the subject falls into the borders of the body language and the field of metonymy with the interest of representation, the field of metaphor with the interest of substitution. While the details of this are being emphasized in this article, it is set out from thesis that suffix which is attached to two noun components is not + lIg, but + lA-g.
Orkhon Inscriptions, başlıg, tizlig, yüküntür-, sökür-, metonymy, metaphor