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In this study, we will discuss various concepts directly related to the love of Western civilization and compare similar concepts related to love in Islam civilization and reveal the similarities and differences between them. On the other hand, we will try to make the subject of thought rather than feelings like love, literature and sufısm . In this frame we will explain the concepts of eros, agape, philio and storge which are used in the history of Western thought and show the differences between them. Along with that the word we centered on will be eros. We will show similarities and differences with the concepts used in Islamic civilization, explaining the concept of love and using it in the West. Here we will love the word we have in the center. We will also analyze the concepts of eros and aphrodite within the framework of nous and logos. While Eros regards it as an internal power of action in the context of nous, aphrodite can be considered as an external logos expressed. In this comparison process, the concept of love used in the Islamic civilization is the same as that of Eros which is used in Ancient Greek. We got to the center of our work the concept of eros in Plato's feast. Plato reveals different definitions and properties of eros in feast. Eros is essentially an intrinsic mental force. This spiritual power manifests itself in different forms on beings. Here we will try to explain the concept of eros through the concept of nous. We will emphasize the physical and sensual dimension of aphrodite while addressing Eros' manifestation of the different entities. We will explain this sensual dimension in Aphrodite in the context of logos. Finally, in today's world we will consider love's sexuality and love. In modern life, as the visible principle has been accepted and taken away from the original, love has been turned away from the lives of people as an absolute beauty and turned into a visual commodity. What is commodified under the name of love is sexuality. Sexuality has been dragged into meaninglessness in the capitalist world.

Eros, Symposion, Plato, Love, Logos, Nous

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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