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It is just a rumor that Hallaj said “Ana'l - Haqq”. Because in the el- Katia market place in front of the mosque while he was talking about how great is God, he said “I could neither perceive a small scent of God, nor felt close to him for a moment”. By these words we see that he actually tells people he tried to understand God but he couldn't make it. We see Hallaj as an example of how does human being feel inquietude when he can not achieve the aim and he still flutters as he breaks his wings. He put efford on understanding how divine revelation from sky became mundane and the creator (God) and the created ones. On this approach, the ascension of Mansûr who is a real saint (eren), ended on a gallow. Qarmatis, that spreaded and grew stonger with a esoteric stracture, had firstly treated the “commune” and then they attempted to lead this big strenght to a political coup. Inspiring Zanj Rebellion, the Qarmatis tried to exterminate the Abbasid and they succeced it. They also went further and they accepted Ebû Saîd el-Cennâbî as a Mahdi. Qarmatis, burning the mosques and then conquering a couple cities with this power, took attention of Abbasid caliphs but Hallaj al-Mansûr had opposite thoughts about Qarmatis. Because new ideas' speading in Baghdat, Basra and Yemen caused a fear in government of the time. This fear caused Abbasid caliph resort the violence. In this point, Mansûr's execution was not actually based on “Ana'l-Haqq” words as he was accused by, it was his different ideas and it was government's fear of losing the power. It is not a coincidence that Husayn bin Mansûr and one of the Turkish tribes (Halac) immigration to Khorasan from Asia and they both have parallelism about Monotheism. As far as we understand by his pieces, he mention neither about religions, nor about “not believing”. His explanation the content of the Monotheis by saying “All religions are the various branches of the same stem” is a common memory of thousands years of oral culture.

Key Words: Hallâc, sufism, Ene’l-Hak, Karmati, execution, Abbasi

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
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Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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