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    Türük Dergisi, 2018 Haziran ayından itibaren senede 4 sayı olarak çıkacaktır. Sayılarımız bundan sonra MART, HAZİRAN, EYLÜL ve ARALIK şeklinde olacaktır. Önümüzdeki ilk sayımız bu doğrultuda Haziran 2018 sayısı olarak çıkacaktır. Değerli çalışmalarınızı dergimize bekler iyi çalışmalar dileriz.


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Risale-i Uğru Abbas is a religious and moral short story belongs to Islamic period of Turkish Literature. It contains an Arabic prayer text. This prayer is known col-loquially as Ramadan prayer or Uğru Abbâs. In the work, this sacred prayer is pla-ced in a story frame. In this way, it was tried to be spread and transferred to the next generations. This study discussed 06 Mil Yz A 8101 copies of the work. The story describes the death of a thief called Abbâs who lived in the time of the Prophet and the events that occurred after him. In the work, the importance and place of the repentance in the Islamic religion are tried to be shown. The sacred prayer, which was advised to be transferred to the next generations and other cities by the Prophet, is about forgiveness and asking forgiveness from Allah for everything. Due to this Arabic prayer text, the work was spread and read among the people and re-ligious circles. This study based on the copy of 06 Mil Yz A 8101 in the Ankara Na-tional Library. This study includes the content, summary, comparison with other manuscripts in terms of content, the other copies of the work and the studies on the work. The transcriptional text of the work, its translation into Turkish and di-rectories are also given. The study ends with the analysis of the vocabulary of the work, the result section and a facsimile of the original text. The findings of the study are summarized in the conclusion.

1. Turkish Language_Ottoman Turkish 2. Islamic religion 3. Old Turkish literature 4. Story 5. Risale

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
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Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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