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Pygmalion and Golem effect are two opposing concepts. The basis of both is the prophecy that fulfills itself. This prophecy appears as a result of a positive or negative event. If a positive and good event occurs, the Pygmalion effect is called; if a negative, bad and negative event occurs, the Golem effect is called. In other words, the Pygmalion effect is that one person's positive expectations give a positive direction to another person's behavior; the golem effect is that one person's negative expectations give a negative direction to another person's behavior. Words and thoughts are the way people express themselves and are at the center of superhuman powers. Man, with his body and limited mind power, tries to reach much more than what he has through words and thoughts. The power of speech and thought is directly proportional to one's ability. The moment one notices this, everything in one's life changes direction. The Pygmalion and Golem effect comes into play as soon as the human can rule the other person or those around him/her with his/her words. In this study, it is aimed to mention the power, importance and effect of word and thought with the concepts of Pygmalion in Greek mythology and Golem in Jewish mythology.

Pygmalion effect, Golem effect, power of word, power of thought, linguistics.

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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