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It is known that the literature of every time is connected with social-moral events happened in society. One or another writer doesn’t specify the type of character but the time itself and problems of this or that time do. In Azerbaijan Literature Jalil Mammedguluzade represents a new type of a character. And in American Literature of XX century it is O.Henry’s duty. First of all emphasizing Jalil Mammedguluzade’s being one of the best masters of short story writers the author brings to the attention main features like the depth of thought, compactness, and comprehensiveness in his creative activity. In the article it is noticed that Mirze Jalil creates unforgettable images with the help of perfect characters, with few words, in brief description. At the same time the author tells about O.Henry who created the immortal samples of a short story in American Literature at that period and emphasizes the basic aims of his works –reflection of the suffers of ordinary people, their life manner that is ordinary, full of cares. After casting a general glance at both writers’ creative activity it appears in the article dialogue is an important means applied to create an image and a character in unexpected short stories of both writers - Mirze Jalil and O.Henry who have individual, unique writing style. Dialogues in these works have great importance to discover the essence, the maintenance of events, to open the character of the images. In both writes’ short stories dialogues are the means of mutual understanding, that’s why there is deep logic, clearness in their dialogues. One of the writes who created the deeply meaningful dialogues in Azerbaijan Literature is Jalil Mammedguluzade, but in American Literature O.Henry is. First of all the author notices that the place and time identity is very necessary to form a dialogue and she grounds her thouhts on with the help of the samples taken from both writers’ activity. It is known from comparative analysis of Jalil Mammedguluzade’s and O.Henry’ stories that O.Henry’s works can be divided into two groups: 1) in the short stories which are more lyric the characters are known from their words and phrases they used, and their behavior in a certain time; 2) in the other group of the stories the dialogues are narrated by the first person. Then the author of the article notices an interlocutor is very important for the existence of the dialogue. It is known that forming a dialogue depends on its activity, because the work of the interlocutor is not only a remark. In conclusion the article deals with the roles of dialogues in opening characters in short stories written by Jalil Mammedguluzade known for his individual style in Azerbaijan Literature and O.Henry in American Literature early in XX century. The author of the article comparing both of the writers analyses their similarity and difference in creating dialogues to determine a type of a character. At the same time technics serving to open a character, humanism, and the styles of both authors who kept the way of realism, literary language of stories are also reflected in the article.

Jalil Mammadguluzadeh, O.Henry, American literature, short story, type of character

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