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Object is the element which is affected by the action expressed in the verb and performed by the subject. It is found only in the sentences whose predicate is transitive. A transitive verb (Ger. transtives verb, Fr. verbe transitif, Ing. transitive verb, Osm. müteaddî, fi’l-i müteaddî) is a kind of verb which affects object by turning towards it, and which require an object. A transitive verb needs object as a compulsory element in order to come to light. Object is attached to verb without a suffix {+Ø} or with accusative suffix {+(y)I}. Such as iç- “to drink something”, sev- “to love somebody/to like sometihing”. In intransitive verbs (Ger. intranstives verb, Fr. verbe intransitif, Ing. intransitive verb, Osm. lâzım fiil, fi’l-i lâzım) action turns towards agent and affect subject. Then they do not require an object. Such as gel- “to come”, uyu- “to sleep”, yat- “to lie down”, kal- “to stay” The focus of the present paper is transitive usages of some verbs givens as intransitive in in TDK Turkish Dictionary. It is outstanding that these verbs collected at the end of a scanning procedure are polysemous. Such as aç- “to open” (22th and 25th meanings), al- “to take” (6th, 9th, 10th, 19th, 26th, 29th, 31st meanings), bırak- “to release, to give up” (2nd, 8th, 10th, 12nd, 21st meanings). Sample sentences that demonstrate these verbs are not without objects, moreover they have an indefinite object with {+Ø} suffix. Although some verbs such as belle- “to think, to memorize” (1st meaning), bırak- “to release, to give up” (12nd meaning), bil- “to know” (1st meaning) are given as intransitive, the sample sentences involve an object with define object suffix {+(y)I}. Some verbs such as alabil- “to be able to take” (1st meaning), bas- “to press” (11th meaning), bırakabil- “to be able to release” (1 st meaning) are labelled as intransitive. In the study, the issue whether the same verb can be used as both transitive and intransitive in terms of verb and component relations. Furthermore, it is debated that although gör- “to see” (9th, 11th, 12th meanings) and seç- “to select” (7th meaning) with {+Ø} accusative suffix are given as intransitive, is it possible to evaluate them as idiomatic or phrasal verbs.

Turkish Dictionary, Object, Transitivity, Intransitivity, Verb

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
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Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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