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Literature, as well as, German culture in overall, has given many names and exceptional works to the world culture. We hereby refer to the great authors such as, Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Brecht, Kafka and Zweig, who were translated and took important place in both world and Albanian culture. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is undoubtedly the greatest German writer and is ranked among the world's greatest writers. His name is mentioned beside the names of the most famous writers of all time, along with Homer, Dante and Shakespeare. He deserved this spot being one of the most influential writers in the world literature for the generations to come. With the ideas and concepts of his works, Goethe is considered to be the protagonist who promoted his country's progress in the political and cultural dimension. Since, indeed, it is the work of this German author who succeeded in influencing the great changes that culminated in the 18th century Europe. Goethe and his friend Schiller, whom founded German Classics, just like in all the world culture, were among the first foreign authors to penetrate the Albanian culture, through poetry translations, and fragments of works, but first and foremost through playing of their known dramas on the Albanian stages. Goethe’s presence in Albanian culture dates back to 1898 (Blakaj, 2017: 384) when the first article was written on him, in a newspaper of the time. Henceforth, young Albanian writers who studied abroad begin to translate Goethe’s poetry into Albanian. These steps have initiated Goethe’s influence on Albanian literature, since, through translation of the works of various world cultures, the everlasting dream of different generations, for adopting the best and the most worthful pieces created over the centuries, became a reality. Goethe in the history of world literature will remain known as the author of the Faust. Nevertheless, his first novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther, which he wrote as a 25-year-old, was the work that made him the star of the German, European and world literary scene. This novel which was quickly translated into many languages of the world became perhaps the first bestseller in history, securing him a place among the most influential writers in the world. As proved in this paper, after the novel appeared, it caused an imitation wave. However, it appeared relatively late in Albanian literature. For the first time, it was published in Albanian in 1933. Nonetheless, Albanian writers were introduced and influenced by this novel, even before being translated into Albanian language.

Goethe, Novel, Faust, The Sorrows of the Young Werther, Reception, similarities.

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