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Folk tales are one of the rich types of traditional Turkish folk literature with a wide range of originalities in terms of content and execution. It should be stated that the structure performed according to a tradition is handled by mistrels. Folk tales told by minstrels are narratives passed down from generation to generation, showing fairy tale and epic characteristics in places. Turkish folk literature has a different place and importance of folk stories, which are narratives such as epic, fairy tales, legends and anecdotes. Epics, which are the oldest and oldest narrative tradition, have been replaced by folk tales over time. At this point, “Dede Korkut stories”, which are seen as a transitional work for Turkish literature, are noteworthy for showing the characteristics of both epic and folk stories. The folk tales have a structure where the prose integrity with Nazim (prose) is seen and the prose part is dense. While the events are described in prose, the feelings, thoughts and conversations of the protagonists are conveyed by prose. Although the stories have a variety of subjects, the intensity of the process of processing the subjects of love and heroism in folk stories is seen among our findings. The folk tales are examined in three groups of Turkish, Arab and Indo-Iranian origin. People and events in folk stories are dealt with with a realist approach. Folk tales have a wide place in Anatolian field narratives. Researchers have made various classifications by identifying the points that make folk stories different from each other. Folk stories are important in terms of having traces of culture and cultural elements, reflecting the social and cultural life of the society, and preserving traditions and traditions. Minstrels have a kind of transferor and narrator role in protecting culture through folk stories, keeping it alive in the present and bringing culture into the future. The subject of our study, Yakup Temeli, has three stories named” Yusuf and Elif“,” Süleyman and Şahperi “and” Kurt Hasan". In the previous period, “ a review of the story of Süleyman and Şahperi by Yakup Temeli’, the story of the people around the life of the bard was examined. Since various information about the life of the bard is given in the related study, information about the life of the bard in this study will not be given in the name of not falling into repetition. After giving a brief information about the folk storytelling of Yakup Temeli’s, the story of “Kurt Hasan” will be examined in various aspects such as order of motif, source, geography, time, heroes, analysis of episodes and poems, formels, language and narration. This work will also include the original text of the story. Thus, the story of” Kurt Hasan " will be introduced to the world of Science for the first time.

Folk tales, Minstrel, Yakup Temeli, Kurt Hasan, epizod, motif,

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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